H.O.P.E. Hustlers is our signature public health violence prevention initiative of Cure Violence Atlanta, Inc. The public health approach is the foundation of service delivery, including wrap-around services to our participants and families.
Support services are unique to each participant and community-meeting their human justice needs and addressing the risk factors that are so often the root causes of violence.
Services are implemented per the five core components + love.

Detecting the Violence!
Our Violence Intervention -Prevention Specialists are our “Street Outreach Teams,” our Community and Hospital Peace Ambassadors! They are the Violence Interrupters who detect potentially violent activities in the community and “interrupt them.” They gather information to prevent further incidents, identify highest risk individuals, and peacefully mediate conflicts.
The teams also collaborate to support victims or perpetrators and families at partner hospitals (i.e. Grady Hospital) to prevent possible retaliations.

Supporting OUR Youth & Families
Our Life Coaches-the Outreach Workers-serve as “Resource Connectors” to support our participants. They establish a trust relationship and facilitate a comprehensive assessment to identify strengths and “opportunities for growth.”
They identify support resources (including fatherhood support for young fathers), and outline timelines for monitoring. They meet with the participant and H.O.P.E. Team members to discuss progress and support the life goals of each participant.

Changing Community Norms
A key component of our services is changing community norms from acceptance of violence in our most neighborhoods to healthy social norms that reject violence.
Our team members engage community partners, share and distribute information and host special activities in the community that spread the message that the community does not support the use of violence.
The Outcome?
Communities are transformed into “villages of peace” with the message “Violence is NOT Accepted Here!”

Monitoring & Evaluating
We support the data collection process mandated by our evaluation partners. A uniquely designed web-based data management system also supports program effectiveness and demonstrate impact to funders and key stakeholders. Our logic model also supports and guides evaluation outcomes.
Monitoring and Evaluation include:
~Weekly Team Meetings
~Monthly Meetings
~Reports to Board of Directors, Funding Agencies, Community Partners and Advisory Committee.
~Annual Self-Assessment

Training & Technical Assistance
A critical component of our model is professional development. Training and Technical Assistance supports team members to implement the five core components-facilitating successful outcomes.
Team members often are residents of the communities they serve and have faced and overcome similar challenges. Therefore, Work Life Balance support services are included in program plans.
Key professional development partners include the Metropolitan Atlanta Violence Prevention Partnership and Community Capacity Development